Anniversary and Orthodontic Health Month!
This month marks the ONE YEAR point since having my braces put on!
It feels like it has gone by so fast! I am very nearly done with my treatment, there are a few stubborn lower teeth that aren’t moving quite as fast as I’d like! I would love to beat my original time frame estimate and have them off before the 15 month mark (January 2015)
I now feel like I can see the finish line and have been thinking of all the things I have missed eating, Corn ON the cob, crunchy carrots, taking a big bite out of an apple without having to cut it up and it going brown! So lets hope my recent adjustment will help move my lower teeth into a more favorable position and I can be one step closer to that corn on the cob!
This month marks National Orthodontic Health Month, which is always quite amusing because October is also Halloween, where more candy will be consumed all over the country then any other month in the year! Kaplan Orthodontics have decided to try to help keep everyones teeth a little healthier, BRACES IN TACT and also encourage our patients to do a great deed so we have decided to take part in a Candy Buy Back, we will be collecting left over Halloween Candy the week after Halloween and sending it to the troops serving and protecting the country! For every POUND of candy we collect we will give our patients 5 POINTS on their Patient Rewards Card!
Happy halloween and National Orthodontic Health Month!