Braces as an Adult!
This week I have been thinking a lot about being an adult with braces, and dealing with everyday life wearing braces. At
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National Nutrition Month
Happy March everybody! My teeth have totally settled down after my last wire change. I can feel and see lots of movement!
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4-month progress!
I have recently hit the 4-month mark since having my braces put on! It feels like it has come around really fast!
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Valentines Day Recipe
I came across this awesome valentines day snack recipe, its not totally braces friendly but I thought I’d pass it on anyway
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Superbowl Sunday!
This weekend was Superbowl Sunday! My family was in town and the kids were all so excited, they talked about it for
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My first adjustment appointment!
I was so excited as the 6-week mark arrived and a reminder alert came up on my calendar to have my wires
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Week 1…Braces go on!
Ok so the main perk of being an adult and having braces put on is, I can control my Tylenol intake! And
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By now most of you would have probably heard of the Duchess of Cambridge, Catherine, and the Duchess of Cornwall, Camilla… My
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